If you want a Omnitron Systems Omnimux 400X 5250 Express Multiplexer 8 Twinax Port for cheap there are different ways to go about the project.
A Omnitron Systems Omnimux 400X 5250 Express Multiplexer 8 Twinax Port for cheap may not be as difficult as you think.
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There are lots of ways to find a Omnitron Systems Omnimux 400X 5250 Express Multiplexer 8 Twinax Port for cheap you just have to know where to look!
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Product Details:
Omnitron Systems Omnimux 400X 5250 Express Multiplexer 8 Twinax Port:
The OmniMux 400 is an IBM compatible multiplexer that provides part or full local or remote 5250 and 5250 Express twinax controller connectivity to a distant location. It replaces up to eight AS/400 twinax cables with a single link. This link may be a twinax, twisted pair or a multimode or single-mode fiber pair. Optionally, the OmniMux can eliminate the twinax distribution box ("brick") and provide a direct single cable connection to the host controller, replacing all host controller twinax with a single DB25 cable. The OmniMux supports up to 56 addresses per link.The OmniMux utilizes a Digital Phase Locked Architecture (PLA). It facilitates data synchronization of data rate variations of up to -2% to +4%. It also facilitates a high degree of noise and crosstalk immunity. Each port is monitored and each data packet is analyzed for validity and errors. Noisy, shorted or open ports are automatically ignored and only valid data is processed. The retransmitted data is repeated, regenerated and reshaped; this ensures its reliable delivery to its destination. Utilizing two links simultaneously provides a hot backup connection for fault tolerance in critical applications. The OmniMux diagnostics detect and display true port activity and parity errors. Each port is monitored for valid frame header patterns, a detected pattern is displayed via a per-port green Activity LED. The data is analyzed for parity errors; a detected error is displayed via a per-port red Error LED. These features assist in installation and monitoring of the OmniMux operation. The OmniMux 400 is completely software transparent and no setup or any changes are required. The Express models operate with both the 5250 and 5250 Express protocols.
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